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Hi everyone, welcome back. Sets are a data structure in the Python language capable of storing several items in a singular set variable. Sets are a built in data type in Python and we will go over the functions regarding sets. For a more in depth tutorial on Sets in Python, click here.
Sets Functions
- add(): adds an item into the set
- clear(): removes every item from the set
- copy(): retrieves a copy of the set
- difference(): retrieves a new set containing the difference between two sets
- difference_update(): removes items in the current set that are also in another given set
- discard(): removes a specified item from the set
- intersection(): retrieves a new set that contains the items that appear from two different sets
- intersection_update(): removes items in the current set that are not present in another given set
- isdisjoint(): checks if two sets have a shared item or not
- issubset(): checks if the current set is a subset of another given set
- issuperset(): checks if the current set is a superset of another given set
- pop(): removes an item from the set
- remove(): removes a specified item from the set
- symmetric_difference(): retrieves a set with symmetric differences from two sets
- symmetric_differences_update(): adds the symmetric difference from the current set to another given set
- union(): retrieves a new set with items from two given sets
- update(): updates the current set with another given set or iterable